In Victoria building owners have the responsibility to ensure all Essential Safety Measures relating to the building are maintained in order to perform as designed.
An Annual Essential Safety Measures Report (AESMR) is required to be issued by the owner or the owner's appointed agent within 28 days before the anniversary date of the building's occupancy permit each year. For buildings constructed before 1 July 1994 an AESMR shall be prepared within 28 days before 13 June each year.
Building Act: Building Act 1993
Building Regulation: Building Regulations 2018, Regulations 223 and 224
Defined Term: Essential Safety Measures
Annual Compliance Certificate: Annual Essential Safety Measures Report (AESMR)
New South Wales
In New South Wales it is a requirement for a building owner or owner's representative of a building having a fire safety schedule to provide Annual Fire Safety Statements (AFSS) to the local Council and Fire Rescue NSW each year.
The AFSS must certify that a suitably qualified, Accredited Practitioner of Fire Safety (APFS) has assessed, inspected and verified the performance of the existing Essential Fire Safety Measures and inspected the exit systems serving the building to ensure that they do not contravene Division 7 of Part 9 of the Regulation.
Act: Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979
Building Regulation: Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulations 2000
Defined Term: Fire Safety Measures
Annual Compliance Certificate: Annual Fire Safety Statement (AFSS)
In Queensland, it is a requirement for the Occupier's Statement to be submitted annually to the Fire Services Commissioner as proof the Fire Safety Installations within a building have been maintained to Australian Standards and Regulations over the past 12 months.
Building Act: Fire Services 1990
Building Regulation: Building Fire Safety Regulations 2008 / Queensland Development Code Part MP6.1
Defined Term: Fire Safety Installations
Annual Compliance Certificate: Occupier's Statement
South Australia
In South Australia, it is a requirement for an annual Certificate of Compliance (Schedule 16 Form 3) to be submitted annually to the local building authority under Regulation 76 (5) & (6) as proof that the Essential Safety Provisions within a building have been maintained to Australian Standards and Regulations over the past 12 months. The submissions must be made within 60 days of the end of the previous calendar year.
Building Act: Development Act 2004
Building Regulation: Development Regulations 1993 and Ministers Specifications South Australia 76
Defined Term: Essential Safety Provisions
Annual Compliance Certificate: Schedule 16, Form 3
In Tasmania it is the responsibility of the Owner to ensure all Essential Safety and Health Features/Measures are maintained and serviced to the current regulations and to ensure that each Essential Safety and Health Feature/Measure functions as designed.
A Safety Measures Report can be issued on an annual basis to ensure the Essential Safety and Health Features/Measures are being maintained to Australian Standards and Regulations.
Building Act: Building Act 2000 / The (Tasmanian) Building Act 2016
Building Regulation: Building Regulation 2004 (amended 2013) / Building Regulations 2016
Defined Term: Essential Safety and Health Measures
Annual Compliance Certificate: N/A
Western Australia
In Western Australia there is no current requirement for the submission of an Annual Essential Service Statement, however, it is the responsibility of the owner to ensure all Safety Measures are maintained and serviced to the current regulations and to ensure that each Safety Measure functions as designed. Australian Standards for fire equipment maintenance, the National Construction Code and Work Health & Safety Regulations are still applicable.
An Annual Compliance Report can be issued on a yearly basis to ensure the Essential Safety and Health Features/Measures are being maintained to Australian Standards and Regulations.
Building Act: Building Act 2011
Building Regulation: Building Regulation 2012, Building Amendment Regulations 2014
Defined Term: Safety Measures
Annual Compliance Certificate: N/A
Northern Territory
In the Northern Territory, there is no current requirement for the submission of an Annual Essential Service Statement However Maintenance of the Safety Installations is the responsibility of the building owner. The NT variation of Section I of the National Construction Code outlines the maintenance standard that has been adopted for each of the Safety Installations. Work Health and Safety Regulations still apply.
An Annual Compliance Report can be issued on a yearly basis to ensure the Essential Safety and Health Features/Measures are being maintained to Australian Standards and Regulations.
Building Act: Fire and Emergency Act
Building Regulation: Fire and Emergency Regulations
Defined Term: Building Fire Safety Measures / Safety Installations
Annual Compliance Certificate: N/A
Australian Capital Territory
In the Australian Capital Territory, under the Australian Standards and Work Health and Safety Regulations, it is the responsibility of the Owner to ensure the Active Fire Safety Systems are maintained as required.
Many national or NSW-based companies with properties in the ACT require auditing over and above the current legislative requirements as part of their own risk mitigation and compliance management practices. In these cases, the Annual Fire Safety Statements (AFSS) format from NSW is often requested to be used as the basis of an annual audit process.
Building Regulation: Emergencies Act 2004
Defined Term: Active Fire Safety Systems and/or Essential Services
Annual Compliance Certificate: N/A